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DuplexPlay APP works with : Android(phone or tv or boxes) Windows PC , Smart TVs, Samsung & LG, fireTv stick amazon and XBOX.


How to install DuplexPlay app on your fireTV Stick amazon

1 . Follow the video to find out how to install the app on your device

2. After installed app open it you will find there a device ID and device key

3. Go to : and add your id and device key then click on Manage device  another screen will open click on + add Playlist then another window will open give a playlist name

you can give any name , then at (Playlist Url (.M3U or .M3U8) section copy paste the m3u link that we gived you to your mails ( that’s your subscription m3u playlis link ) and ad section : (XMLTV EPG Url (Optional)) copy paste the xmltv link that we gived in the same with m3u link in your mail this xmltv is for tv guide link then click on save , when it saved then return back to your tv or app and refresh(reload) app and now you can watch

If you have issues to upload playlist send us your  device ID and device key from the app to [email protected] and we will upload the playlist for you.

How to install DuplexPlay on Samsung smart TV

1. Follow the video to easy see how to install , you will need to upload the m3u playlist link (your subscription that we will give to your mail after you subscribe with us) at :

—If you have issues to upload playlist send us your  device ID and device key from the app to [email protected] and we will upload the playlist for you.

How to install DuplexPlay iptv on any Android BOX,Tablet,Phones

  1. Follow the video to easy find how to install . You will need to upload the m3u playlist link (your subscription that we will give to your mail after you subscribe with us) at :—If you have issues to upload playlist send us your  device ID and device key from the app to [email protected] and we will upload the playlist for you.

How to Install DuplexPlay on your LG smart TV

  1. Follow the video to find out how easly you can do . You will need to upload the m3u playlist link (your subscription that we will give to your mail after you subscribe with us) at :—If you have issues to upload playlist send us your  device ID and device key from the app to [email protected] and we will upload the playlist for you.

How to Install DuplexPlay on your PC Windows

1.Follow the video to find how you can easily install .You will need to upload the m3u playlist link (your subscription that we will give to your mail after you subscribe with us) at :

—If you have issues to upload playlist send us your  device ID and device key from the app to [email protected] and we will upload the playlist for you.

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